Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Israel is the aggressor against Palestine.

Israel has been swallowing up Palestine's land and killing Palestinians with USA support. This has angered the world and the world is condemning Israel for its wrongdoings.  In the latest UN voting against Israel, USA didn't veto the vote like in the past as it was not worth incurring the wrath of the world but abstained from voting because it knew the world was against Israel vehemently.  The US abstinence angered Israel and Israel condemned US for it.  Consequently, the US-Israel relationship will become rocky after this.


  1. The UN voted against Israel.

    Yes: 4 permanent members and 10 ordinary members
    No: ZERO
    Absence: 1 permanent member (USA)

    As there was no veto vote, the motion was passed!

  2. Our government has commented on Istanbul attack but never on Israel. Our government always advocates a rule-based system but only focuses on selective issues. UN has voted against Israel with 14 votes but our government is keeping quiet on this.
