Tuesday, January 3, 2017

There is no turning back for Singapore anymore.


China is using land freights to replace or reduce sea freights through Singapore.  Even if we were to kowtow to China, it wouldn't change anything as China had invested a huge sum of money for the one-belt-one-road economic developments.

This year will be the harbinger for more bad economic growth for Singapore because China is trying to cripple our economy for our support with USA to contain China.  This is the price we will be paying and our future generations will suffer because of our mistake.


  1. USA put Saddam Hussein in power for its own interest and abandoned Iraq later.

    USA supported Israel and also abandoned Israel for the UN vote.

    Singapore will lose its strategic importance when China crude oil and other goods bypass Singapore port. When we lose our strategic importance, USA will also abandon SG when it re-strategises its political interests. What are we going to do then? Pay tributes to USA to retain USA protection? This will be the predicament our future generations will face.

  2. China to London used to take 45 days for sea freight but it only takes 18 days for land freight. This not only shortens the time but is also cheaper.
