Thursday, January 12, 2017

US should stop the pissing match! Get real and put money where your mouth is!

If USA wants to stop China or kick China out of South China Sea (SCS), it has to go to war with China.  It's better to do it now than later.  Once China has 3 aircraft carriers, it will have control of SCS.  Therefore, USA should stop the pissing match and get real with some actions like starting a war with China.  If not, USA should keep its mouth shut and remain silent forever because it will lose total control of SCS when China has 3 aircraft carriers.  This is the harsh fact of life!

I don't advocate or promote SCS war but it's just useless to start a pissing match with nothing being done.  Either we accept the inevitable outcome or we change the ensuing outcome.  USA is not ready to start a SCS war but it is only willing to start a useless pissing match with China by dragging other Asia countries like SG and SK into it.

1 comment:


    Wow! Even the China paper agrees with our viewpoint that USA has to wage a war against China to kick China out of SCS.
