Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Who killed Kim Jong Nam?

The likely suspects are:
South Korea
North Korea

USA is unlikely to be the culprit as CIA is busy in dealing with Trump's anti-thesis propaganda.

China is also unlikely to be the culprit as China is protecting Kim Jong Nam and his family.

South Korea is unlikely to be the culprit as it is busy with the presidential scandal.

North Korea is also unlikely to be the culprit as it is NEVER the modus operandi(MO) to use foreign agents to kill.  It always uses its own agents for the killings or else it will raise an alarming bell in its own country for the desperate MO.

Therefore, the only likely culprit left is JAPAN because it wants to frame North Korea and topple the dictator.

This is our conclusion based on logical thinking.


  1. The people who were arrested in this killing were from vietnam, malaysia and indonesia and north korea. Therefore, it's really uncanny that so many different nationalities are involved.

  2. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/02/20/kim-jong-nam-murder-japanese-network-releases-cctv-footage-assassination/

  3. https://sg.news.yahoo.com/north-korea-diplomat-wanted-over-kim-killing-malaysia-040343459.html

  4. There is a rumour now that Kim Jong Un killed his brother for the USD$2.1b controlled by his brother. This doesn't make sense as killing his brother won't get the dictator access to his brother's fund.

  5. https://sg.news.yahoo.com/latest-malaysia-wants-interpol-help-tracing-suspects-064722725.html

    The police are not sure what killed him but preliminary test indicated VX nerve agent. VX nerve agent would have killed the assassins too but it wasn't the case. It is strange that Malaysia mentioned Japan for its experience in VX usage.
