Monday, February 6, 2017

Who was Singapore first elected president?

According to our National Library resources, our first elected president was Ong Teng Cheong.

Our last appointed president was Wee Kim Wee with vested power of an elected president.

An elected president has to be elected and not appointed.  Therefore, it is wrong to say that Wee Kim Wee was our first elected president.


  1. There is no need for a debate on an elected president. The logical definition is an elected president will have a vote count and an appointed president won't have a vote count.

    Wee Kim Wee didn't have a vote count but Ong Teng Cheong did.

  2. Our students will be confused about our first elected president because historians are also confused now.

    We have to quote AG when we say that Wee Kim Wee was our first elected president but we have to quote NLB when we say Ong Teng Cheong was our first elected president.

    Since AG cannot do any wrong as stated by our minister, NLB has to change its archive.

  3. For the sake of better understanding of the definition of an elected president, we have provided the following explanations.

    The common definition: Anyone who wins the presidential election with a majority vote count is an elected president.

    The new Singapore definition: Anyone who is appointed and bestowed with the powers of an elected president by the parliament is an elected president.
