Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The new India-Singapore naval pact is a big mistake for SG.

Singapore is making a big mistake to bring in more foreign powers into ASEAN.  There is a saying, "Too many cooks will spoil the broth" which still holds some validity today.

India has been renowned to be anti-China and will definitely sow discords between ASEAN members and China.  When that happens, China will put the blame on SG.  India has an ulterior motive to contain China through the Strait of Malacca because SG will allow Indian navy to berth at the Changi Naval base.  Therefore, if there is a war against China, India can assist the USA to control the Strait of Malacca through SG.

However, this is just a wishful thinking by India because of the emergence of the new Arctic sea lane.

When SG brought USA into ASEAN, the USA also brought along other foreign powers such as Australia, Japan and UK into South China Sea and stirred a lot of troubles in South China Sea.  It was the Philippines which stopped the USA from creating more troubles in South China Sea.

Do not be lured into thinking that Sino-SG relationship is good because SG and China have just reaffirmed strong bilateral economic ties.  China is watching what SG is doing rather than what SG is saying because actions speak louder than words.

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