Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The USA is trying to portray China as a devil but USA is the bigger demon in disguise.


When the USA wants to criticize another country, it has to look at itself first.

Let's look at the USA "Admirable" historical records.  We don't intend to list all the USA's historical records but we believe the following will be sufficient to prove our points.


The USA tried to topple Venezuela. (What do we call this?)

The USA was behind Ukraine's coup. (What do we call this?)


The USA tried to topple Cambodia. (What do we call this?)

The USA was behind Rowanda's genocide. (What do we call this?)


The USA created false intelligence that Iraq possessed WMDs and invaded Iraq. (What do we call this?)


The USA has this culture of framing others for its own political interest. (What do we call this?)

Who is the bigger badass? The USA of course!

If I have to choose between a devil and a demon, I will choose to stand with the lesser evil, China!

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