Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Hot news - Latest update on the detained HK ship which was chartered by Taiwan.

The truth is out finally!  It was Taiwan that was responsible for selling the oil at sea to North Korea.

This was not the first time that Taiwan was doing this.  In fact, Taiwan had been doing barter trades with North Korea for oil-and-weapon exchanges.  As NK has no money to buy oil, NK is buying oil by exchanging its weapons with Taiwan in this way.

Taiwan had also been buying NK coals because it was facing an energy crisis locally since the ruling party didn't want to use nuclear energy.

President Trump and the western media were all out to smear and discredit China for selling oil to NK but it was Taiwan that was doing the barter trades with NK.  Once the truth is revealed by trustworthy news media, it will make Trump and the western media look very bad.

We'll post the revelation link once we managed to find the news from trustworthy media.

1 comment:

  1. Will the USA impose economic sanctions against Taiwan for defying the UN sanctions?

    Of course not! The USA will give the excuse that Taiwan is not part of the UN and doesn't need to abide by the UN sanctions. However, the truth is that the USA will protect Taiwan because it needs Taiwan as a pawn against China.
