Monday, November 19, 2018

Who is militarising in Asia?

Australia and USA will build a naval base in Papua New Guinea.

As usual, the US would fabricate intelligence report against China by declaring that China would build a naval base in Indo-Pacific.  However, there is no such announcement by China insofar but this has given the US a valid reason to militarise in Asia by building a new naval base in PNG.

Look like having a naval base in SG is still not enough for the USA to contain China.

US, you cannot blame China for setting up naval bases in Asia now because you're doing it first.  This will give China an excuse to militarise in Asia because China has to protect its own interest too.

1 comment:

  1. Get ready for new world war ... whether hot or cold. Invest in companies that will do well in more militaristic climate. As for average ppl in smaller countries like you & me, we'll need to prepare for lower GDP growth, more stop-and-go economy, more retrenchments, able to take more hardships, reduce debts & housing loans. :)
