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Sunday, December 2, 2018

No trade deal between US and China in G20.

Nothing was achieved in the G20 between US and China.  Both sides are trying to act cordially in front of the media but fundamentally, nothing has changed.

The existing punitive tariffs are still in place but more ineffective on-going talks will continue.  There are huge gaping fundamental differences which are just impossible to resolve.  Furthermore, the US will continue to embark on smearing campaigns against China to achieve its aims of getting China to submit.  This is definitely a bad strategy to get China to a trade deal because China won't submit due to its nationalistic characteristic.

Nevertheless, the existing tariffs will contain the economic growth of both countries and this trade war will escalate in 2019.  Therefore, 2019 will be a bad year for the world.


Eric Ho said...

This is just a 90-day truce. Stock markets will go gaga after that.

Unknown said...

Markets will have a sharp 10% Xmas / New Yr rally --- after that will have another scary correction early in 2019. Markets may still cheong strongly in a blow-off top into Q2-Q3. This is for US markets. Not so confident for China & S'pore markets though...

Eric Ho said...

There is no MOU signed between US & China in G20.

However, China and Argentina have signed new trade deals.