Thursday, December 6, 2018

US futures are falling because of Huawei.

Huawei CFO, also the daughter of the founder, was arrested by the USA in Canada.

This intensifies the trade war between US and China now.

No wonder the US futures are falling.

China should also arrest the CFO of Microsoft or Apple on cybersecurity reason.


  1. LOL! No US C-whatever-O will be stepping out of US during this time period!

    Actually this type of political-induced stock drop easiest to work out, but usually behind the scenes.

    Won't be surprised if Trump and his cronies been buying whenever stocks drop after every one of their tweets, actions, announcements, etc. LOL!

    After going all in on the cheap, then announce to the world that a permanent trade deal with China reached, and Fed to stop increasing rates. Hahaha!!

  2. The anti-us sentiment is rising fast in China now and Apple will suffer collateral damages.

    Many Chinese are calling for a boycott of Apple products and buy local Huawei.

    Look like US companies will face more hurdles doing businesses in China and their earnings won't look great without China's numbers.
