Monday, January 14, 2019

Cryptocurrency roundup.

2019 will be a bad year for cryptos because more people will get educated about the cryptos including ICOs.  Consequently, many ICOs will be declared as scams in 2019 as many of them won't be able to materialize as what's stipulated on their whitepapers.  Therefore, many ICO investors will try to salvage whatever values are left on their ICOs and this doesn't bode well for the crypto markets.

The cryptos including bitcoin have not been able to rise above the price levels on the day we publicized our financial analysis below.

The bitcoin is down to around US$3500 today from US$4500 on our publication date.  When a product is developed with a flawed structural design and bad economics, it is doomed to fail eventually.  Crypto is such a product and the feared outcome will happen.  It is a matter of when, not if.

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