Saturday, February 9, 2019

The US is interfering in Venezuela political affairs again!

The current Venezuelan President is after all an elected president who won in an open election, not the same as SG president.

Therefore, the only way to oust him is to defeat him in an open election, not supporting and recognising the opposition man as the legitimate president.

However, the USA is afraid that the current President may win again in another open election.  Therefore, the USA is trying to oust him by interfering in Venezuela's political and domestic affairs.

The USA doesn't like other countries to meddle in its political affairs but the USA likes to meddle in another country's affairs.  Shame on you, USA!

1 comment:

  1. The UN doesn't recognize any self-proclaimed incumbent as the real President. Therefore, the US and its allies are creating political issues in the country.

    The UN doesn't want to set a precedent or else there will be a lot of self-proclaimed President in the future.
