Thursday, March 21, 2019

Global inflation or deflation?

The US Fed has concluded with no interest rate movement and termination of quantitative tightening (QT).  Therefore, we can deduce that the US Fed is expecting the US economy to slow down in the latter half.

Economists and analysts are anticipating the CPIs in the US and China to rise in the 2nd half of 2019.  The FAO price index is also substantiating the uprising CPI trend.

The chart above shows that the food price index is trending higher in 2019 after reaching a trough in 2018.

The US Fed is watching the economic situation as it unfolds because the upcoming inflation is desirable unless it is runaway inflation.  Why is inflation desirable? Please read our post below to find out more.

1 comment:


    oil prices will rise in the 3rd quarter and this will definitely create inflation as transportation is impacted by the oil prices.
