Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Tommy Koh has an anti-China mindset and it's bad for Singapore.

I don't know what China did to him or his ancestors for him to be imbued with anti-China sentiment.  However, I knew what the Japanese did to Asia (raped and killed millions of people) for 3 years 8 months.

China is a growing economy (US$12T GDP now) and will surpass the USA (US$20T GDP now) by 2030 but Japan has only a GDP of US$4.5T now.  Furthermore, China has a much deeper pocket than Japan.

Anyone with a decent IQ will know that it is inevitable that we need to depend on China for our economic growth.  This is something we cannot walk away.  Even Japan has to depend on China for its own economic growth now.  Why do we need to rely on Japan when Japan has to depend on China too.  We might as well depend on China directly instead of via Japan.

We will face a steep slowdown if we lose our dependence on China as shown below.

I think we need to boot old people out of politics as an irrational mindset tends to develop in old age.  I am not being discriminative against old age but the fact speaks for itself.


  1. Tommy's speech is signalling to us that our government is in a comfort zone and is not hungry enough.

    Just take a look at Italy and learn.

    Italy is joining BRI despite facing some harsh resistance. Is Italy increasing or reducing dependence on China?

    I don't know why is Tommy promoting CPTTP instead of RCEP.

    Why are we going after a smaller pie when we can chase after a bigger pie?

  2. Tommy is really antiquated in his thinking.

    Japan was the number one in ASEAN in the 70s and 80s because China GDP was much smaller than Japan back then and there was no competitor that could challenge Japan.

    Today, China's GDP is almost 3x bigger than Japan's.

    How can Japan be No.1 now in ASEAN when its GDP is 3x smaller than China?


    This is how Japan's economy is impacted by China. Without China, Japan is unable to sustain its economy.

    No China export = Slowdown.


    China GDP is forecast to be 34.3T in 2030 while the US GDP will be 33T. Japan GDP will only be 5.1T in 2030.

    Do we want to give up a market size of 34.3T for 5.1T in 2030?
