Saturday, April 13, 2019

Many countries are fearful of the upcoming US-China trade deal.

Why are many countries fearful of the upcoming US-China trade deal?

Well, many countries are worried that the upcoming US-China trade deal will give preferential access to US companies and undercut other non-US MNCs.  These other countries are also worried that China will cut back on their exports since China is compelled to buy more US goods.  If China is committed to the new US-China trade deal, it will have to replace other imports with US imports.  Who will be badly affected then?  It will be those US allies that stupidly supported the US.  Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc will be badly affected by the new US-China trade deal because China will replace theirs with US imports.

Therefore, we must not think that the US-China trade war doesn't affect us.  It will affect us either directly or indirectly.

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