Friday, April 12, 2019

Why is the US starting a trade war with EU?

WTO is just a playground for the big nations.  Why?

In March 2019, WTO ruled that the US was subsidizing Boeing through taxes.  Then in April 2019, WTO ruled that EU was subsidizing Airbus.  What a joke!  Both aircraft manufacturers are being subsidized by their own countries and they ought to stop this childish display of affront and odium.

Sorry for the digress and I will get back to the main topic now.

Trump is starting a trade war with the EU because he can't get a good deal in the US-China trade talk in spite of his proclamation that the US-China progress is good.  His election is coming and he has to submit a good election score to secure a win but it looks like he can only get it from the EU now.

Despite the US being the current biggest economy in the world, it is incapable to start 2 big trade wars concurrently with China and the EU.  Since China is not bulging to his expectations, Trump has to look elsewhere for his election score.  Therefore, this is likely the reason he is starting a trade war with the EU before his election.

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