Monday, July 1, 2019

President Trump is the man behind wall street. - Part 2

Trump did everything he could to make sure that the trade talk didn't fall out.

He didn't insist on his previous terms (no mention of IP theft, forced technology transfer, change of China laws to accommodate his demands, etc).

He didn't mention HK at all in the trade talk.

He didn't impose new tariffs against China.

Why is Trump getting soft on China?

We have come up with a few reasons for Trump's meekness.

1. The top US business leaders are rallying their demands for "No China tariffs".
2. The 2nd QTR GDP will look bad.
3. Many Americans cannot enjoy Christmas if there are more China tariffs.
4. Farmers are suffering and losing their China market share.
5. Trump's popularity is dropping fast and furious.

1 comment:


    This news article corroborates one of our reasons (no.3) for Trump's meekness.
