Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The US-China trade war impacts on both countries in 2019

China 1st Qtr and 2nd Qtr GDP:
1st Qtr: 6.4%
2nd Qtr: 6.2%

USA 1st Qtr and 2nd Qtr GDP:
1st Qtr: 3.1%
2nd Qtr: 1.5% (Forecast by New York Fed)

It is pretty obvious who suffers more in a US-China trade war.  The 2nd QTR GDP figure for the US will decline by more than 50% from the 1st QTR.

1 comment:

  1. http://sg-stock.blogspot.com/2019/07/ism-pmi-analysis-for-us-economy-in-june.html

    We did warn about the US 2nd QTR GDP which would be much weaker than the 1st QTR GDP. The NY Fed had just corroborated our US PMI analysis.
