Saturday, July 27, 2019

The US-China trade war impacts on both countries in 2019 - Part 2

China 1st Qtr and 2nd Qtr GDP:
1st Qtr: 6.4%
2nd Qtr: 6.2% (-3.13%)

USA 1st Qtr and 2nd Qtr GDP:
1st Qtr: 3.1%
2nd Qtr: 2.1% (-32.3%)

The US economy fell by 32.3% in the 2nd Qtr.  This will mean that Trump needs a trade deal with China more urgently than President Xi.

We've been stating that the US 2nd QTR GDP would be much weaker than its 1st QTR GDP in our previous post and we've been proven right.

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