Thursday, August 1, 2019

US-China trade talk broke down again in July 2019.

Despite the proclamation of a constructive meeting at the end of July 2019, the US-China trade talk actually broke down because both sides couldn't agree on numerous issues.  Furthermore, we could see that both countries accused each other of flip-flopping after the meeting.

The only constructive outcome was that both parties were still willing to continue the trade talk in September.


  1. -10% to -15% correction soon.

    As I said many times before --- last chance to buy before the melt up!!!

    But pls buy the right stocks!! LOL!!!

  2. China had added Zhong Shan to China trade negotiation team. Zhong Shan is a hawk while Liu He is a dove.

    The US team will have a hard time dealing with Zhong Shan.

    Robert Lighthizer is also hawk in the US team.

    It will be hard to reach a deal when there are hawks on both sides.
