Saturday, September 14, 2019

Hong Kong protestors fabricated fake news to defame HK police. - Part 2

The truth is slowly unfolding about the woman who claimed that her eye was shot by HK police.

We posted a video previously showing no HK police were in the vicinity that could have shot her eye and the beanbag round had a short effective range.

She didn't lodge a police report and also didn't file a lawsuit against the police.  In the video, it was stated that she was offered HK$30m to pin the blame on the police but was later reduced to HK$5m to lie down as the police were getting closer to the truth with their investigations.  The police had applied to the court to retrieve her medical record from the hospital for further investigation because she rejected the police's request.

These were not innocent and ordinary protestors because they had a devious plan to smear the police and topple the government.  I've also seen online news about the protestors accusing the police of raping female protestors in the police stations and the police had killed a few protestors in the MRT stations.


  1. All these geopolitical dramas make these few months very good opportunities to buy in low, as I've said for many months already.

  2. Like I said many times, these protests were engineered by the US, UK and Taiwan. It has nothing to do with the PRC.

  3. I didn't say the protests were caused or engineered by PRC.

    HK problems are self-inflicted by elites within HK --- as China knows (and covertly acknowledges) & are taking steps to correct, but yet not cause overturning of HK ruling elite structure.

    PRCs, like all rational investors & profiteers (including myself), have been merely taking advantage of the situation to buy depressed stocks & properties. <== and have increased even more since Aug.

  4. You still don't get it, do you?

    The HK problems are not self-inflicted but engineered by foreign parties.

    The first casualty was Tung Chee Hwa because he wanted to revamp the housing policy. Foreign parties were also involved during his term.

    The Chinese were trying to support the HK stock markets because foreigners were shorting HSI futures. China didn't want to benefit those foreign parties and ordered government-linked agencies to support HK stock market. This was exactly what China did during the AFC.

  5. "The HK problems are not self-inflicted but engineered by foreign parties."

    Talk to people in the National People's Congress --- they know. ;)

    Even better if you can get people in the State Council to talk, but doubt if you can reach their level. LOL!

  6. Anyway, don't trust Bloomberg news too much because it likes to fabricate fake news nowadays.

    This was just one of the most ridiculous fake news by Bloomberg.



    Jimmy Lai is in cahoots with the US government.
