Thursday, October 31, 2019

The US GDP growth declined to 1.9%.

The US GDP growth slowed to 1.9% but this would still be an optimistic number in the face of the consecutive declines in its PMI.

We don't want to accuse the US of fudging its GDP number but the declining PMI numbers are showing a more dire strait situation.

Anyway, let's put this aside and look at another thing that most media omit.

China GDP growth - 3rd Qtr: 6%
US GDP growth - 3rd Qtr: 1.9%

China has grown its GDP by US$0.82T (6% of GDP US$13.6T) this quarter but the US is only growing at US$0.39T (1.9% of GDP US$20.5T).  In other words, China is growing at twice the US growth rate in absolute terms.

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