Friday, November 15, 2019

The HK riots rationalize the Tiananmen incident.

The violent riots and protests in HK have changed the mindsets of Chinese in China.  What the Chinese had seen in HK recently had reinforced their belief that the communist party had done the right thing for the Tiananmen incident because they would suffer hardships and couldn't walk safely on the street if there was no violent crackdown by the communist party.

When the government and police are weak, the rioters and protestors will rule the streets and ordinary citizens cannot live a peaceful and orderly life.  The ordinary citizens have lost their freedom to go out for fear of being beaten up and burnt, and they cannot go to work to support their livelihoods.

The tourism industry is severely disrupted and affected by such violent acts.

Once again, I would like to urge Singaporeans to be very careful in HK because we're being specifically targeted.

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