Sunday, March 22, 2020

How will China recover from its economic fallout caused by the virus outbreak?

As many countries are in lockdowns to reduce human activities, there will be significant declines in international trading.  Therefore, many countries cannot rely on their exports and tourism to reboot their economies.

Fortunately, China is a big country with a huge population (1.4B people) and its citizens are well-known savers compared to the US.  Therefore, it is very easy to boost its local consumption to reboot its economy compared to the US.  In other words, China is more resilient than the US even though both countries are consumption-led economies.

I believe China will try to stimulate its local consumption soon!

1 comment:

  1. I foresee that China government will expedite the deployment of 5G in its country to boost its economy and also reboot its local consumption after the virus quarantine & lockdown.
