Saturday, March 21, 2020

No US monetary and fiscal policy can save the US stock markets. - Part 4

We said this already: No US monetary and fiscal policy can save the US stock markets.

The US stock markets still plunge after numerous monetary injections and cash handouts.

No investor will dare to invest when there is an even bigger covid-19 outbreak in the offing.  Not only people are losing their jobs and monies, but they are also losing their lives.  This is a very different crisis and will lead to a great recession.

Will you invest now when the US cases, currently about 20,000, may go up to 200,000 next month?  I think the answer is very obvious.

As long as the US government is not doing the right thing, the US stock markets will have a hard time recovering.

What are the right things to do? Just read our post below!

1 comment:


    The US is finally heeding one of our advices. More actions need to be done to mitigate this virus outbreak to break the chain of transmission.
