Friday, March 20, 2020

The latest medical finding about covid-19 virus.

The human genome make-up has 3 receptors: ACE-2, DC-Sign and L-Sign.

The covid-19 virus will invade any of the 3 receptors to replicate itself in a human.

The latest medical finding shows that these 3 receptors are commonly found in the elderly (60 & above), Caucasians and smokers.

What's interesting about this is that DC-Sign and L-Sign receptors are more commonly found in Caucasians and not in Asians.

These newly found medical facts have explained the high infection rate and the high death toll among the elderly Caucasians.  Therefore, the US and Europe cases will surpass Asia in the due course.

We can see that the death toll in Italy has already surpassed China.

1 comment:

  1. In short, a Caucasian is more susceptible to covid virus than an Asian.
