Saturday, March 14, 2020

The real situation in Italy.

Italy had found its patient zero who was from Germany.  This patient zero visited Hawaii prior to his arrival in Italy and he started to spread the virus in Italy.

Hawaii is an isolated island and yet this patient contracted the virus.  This has led scientists to speculate that covid-19 has been around in the US prior to the outbreak in China.

It is easy to determine the virus origin by analyzing the genome sequence but scientists are not doing it.  Why? They're afraid to determine that this virus doesn't originate in China because the truth will offend the USA government.

The situation in Italy is really serious because Italy is abandoning the sick old people now.  About 23% of Italy population consists of people 65 & above and Italy is reserving the medical supplies and facilities to treat the younger patients.  The old people are feeling betrayed by their government after contributing to Italy in their younger days and yet they're being abandoned now.

The Italian government is abandoning sick old people because of limited medical supplies and healthcare.  Furthermore, Italy has limited financial resources to support their retirements.  If the older population is greatly reduced, this will reduce the financial stresses in the country as the government doesn't need to waste money on them.

It is really heartwrenching to see a government behaving like this.

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