Saturday, May 16, 2020

The US economy will be in deep troubles if it continues to inject free monies. - Part 2

The US house has just added another US$3T bill which will further increase its total debts.  The US has to print more monies to fund all these stimulative bills.

Let's recap:

1. Reduce interest rate to Zero.
2. Implement a US$2.2T pandemic relief program.
3. Implement a US$2T infrastructure bill.
4. Implement a US$2.3T funding program.
5. Implement a US$484B coronavirus bill.
6. Implement a US$3T pandemic bill.

All these plans have totalled US$9.984T insofar and the debts will continue to mount in the future.  Furthermore, the US will also continue to print more monies to supersede its rejected negative rates policy.

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