Monday, June 29, 2020

No need to vote Indranee Rajah into our parliament.

Have you guys ever wondered where the phrase, "Absolute power corrupts", came from?

There was a psychological experiment conducted to substantiate this phrase and this experiment was called the Lucifer Effect.  It was named after a fallen angel called Lucifer who turned into a devil.

This experiment was supposed to last a few weeks but was terminated in just 6 days because it went out of control when the participants (guards) were given absolute powers to do many things in the prison.  Basically, there was no supervisory of the guards and self-supervision didn't work.

The participants (guards) were selected based on their good social standings but they turned evil after they had a taste of absolute power.  Hilter also succumbed to the Lucifer Effect in the same way.

Therefore, we must not allow having only a 1-party system in Singapore without opposition.  For your information, nominated MPs have no voting rights in the parliament because they were not elected to represent us.  When a minister has such thinking, we will suffer in the future if such a minister is voted into the parliament.

Please think twice before you vote as you will be voting for the future political structure in Singapore.

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