Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Western forces are behind Thailand (BKK) protests!

I see many similarities between the HK and BKK protests and I've highlighted them in this post.

The western forces (US & UK) are using the same modus operandi in HK and BKK.

The western forces will first instigate the local residents to hate their governments, brainwash them with western human rights values and democracy, and fund their protests to invoke a change in governance.

The first step to instigate the Thais to hate their King and government was done by a UK journalist.  He revealed the King's expenditures in an exorbitant and profligate manner with the intention to cause public disgruntlement.


Next, the western forces will brainwash the students with western human rights values and democracy since students are easily manipulated.  The students are usually the leading forces in the protests and they'll proclaim that their protests are leaderless which are just like HK's protests.

Lastly, the protests will be funded by western NGOs such as NED.

NED was set up by the CIA under the direction of President Ronald Regan.  On the surface, the NED's mission is to promote democracy but its real intention is toverthrow any anti-US government.

These BKK protests have caused many Thai family discords and disharmonies now because the older generations support the monarchy whilst the younger generations don't since they've been brainwashed.  This kind of family/society ramification also occurred in HK.

The Thais should look at HK and learn from Hongkongers' mistakes.  The Hongkongers are regretting their riotings in 2018-2019 now because corporation bankruptcies have gone up and the unemployment rate is at a 16-year high.  HK is worse off now after the HK riots and covid.

The covid outbreak has destroyed Thailand's economy and these BKK protests will only exacerbate the economic situation.  The bankruptcies and unemployment rates will rise correspondingly if these BKK protests are continued for a longer period.


  1. It is in the Thailand government's interest to trace the protest funding by investigating the UK banks such as HSBC and Standard Chartered Banks.

    NED used HSBC accounts to fund the HK protests.

  2. https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4030648

    Taiwan independence flag, Hong Kong pro-democracy flag, and the flag of Tibet were present during the BKK protests.

    The presence of these flags showed that the BKK protests were orchestrated by western forces.

  3. The BKK protests are about the Thai King and the Thai government. The protests are not about China. Therefore, there shouldn't be any anti-China element in the protests unless the protests are funded by the US & UK.
