Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Western forces are behind Thailand (BKK) protests! - Part 2,drafting%20of%20a%20new%20constitution.

We are right about the BKK protests!

The BKK protestors have 3 demands.

"Three demands were presented to the Government of Thailand: the dissolution of parliament, ending intimidation of the people, and the drafting of a new constitution."

None of the 3 demands is about China or the banning of Huawei 5G.  Therefore, there shouldn't be any anti-China element in the protests unless the protests are funded by the US.

However, the Taiwan independence flag, Hong Kong pro-democracy flag, and the flag of Tibet were present during the BKK protests.  Why?

The answer is crystal clear!

1 comment:

  1. The Thai government must crack down on these BKK protests and follow the money trails to arrest those people involved in the Western-led protests.
