Saturday, October 24, 2020

Western forces are behind Thailand (BKK) protests! - Part 4

There is incremental evidence unraveling that foreign forces are behind the BKK protests after our first posting.  It is not easy to raise local funds for the protests because many Thais are not doing well as Thailand's economy is badly affected by the pandemic.   Therefore, I do not believe that the protests are funded by the locals. 

The Thai government must instruct the Thai police, DSI, to investigate the BKK protests and arrest the people involved in organizing and taking foreign funds to support the protests.  The DSI must also investigate the local NGOs which are taking foreign donations as these foreign-funded NGOs are most likely funding the protests.

The Thai government must not give in to the protestors' demands because doing so will only embolden the protestors and make them demand more.  The Thai government must learn from the mistakes made by the HK government.  The HK government relented and retracted the extradition bill which emboldened the HK rioters to demand more by staging more protests to disrupt the HK economy.  In the end, it was the imposition of the national security act that quelled the HK protests.  Therefore, it was the tougher measure that put an end to all the chaos and not the relentment.

All foreign-funded protests, no matter the cause, must be cracked down on because the real intention of the foreign forces is to overthrow the ruling government.  These foreign forces are neither altruistic nor have the real intention to improve the local residents' lives but to fulfill their selfish political agendas.  If the protests are not quashed in time, the bankruptcies and unemployment rates will rise in Thailand because its economy will deteriorate faster during the covid period.

I do not support foreign-funded protests because such protests will not improve the economy but will worsen the economy instead.

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