Sunday, November 1, 2020

Mutated covid virus strain is spreading in EU!

More countries are using the genome sequencing approach to trace the virus origins so that they can help to curb the spread of the virus.  Why are these countries adopting this scientific methodology now but not during the initial outbreak?

Well, genome sequencing is a well-established scientific method that is hard to fudge, and other scientists can tell whether the genome sequencing result is fake or not.  Therefore, many countries didn't use this scientific method to trace the virus origin when the virus outbreak happened first in Wuhan as the genome sequence result would trace it back to the USA.  If the virus origin was indeed in Wuhan, many countries would use this method so that they could prove scientifically that China was the culprit.  Instead, a few countries including the US only used media to label covid as the Wuhan or China virus so that they could smear China.

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