Sunday, March 28, 2021

The time for Asia to rise up has come or it will be a fealty region forever.

Enough is enough!  The time has come for Asia to set up a universal rules-based order and China can play a leading role to help Asia to achieve a win-win situation.

The US has been heaping calumnies to sow discords among different ethnic groups inside and outside China, and using falsehoods to sanction and assault other countries that are completely unacceptable.  This is an invective political culture and propaganda that we must deplore and stop right now.

If you’re concerned about the military rise of western countries in Asia, unilateral Western sanctions, and trade abuses, that makes it even more pertinent that we must band together to vie and set up a more universal rules-based order.

Here are some fundamental concerns which I think Asia should address.

1. Unilateral illegitimate sanctions;

2. Long-arm jurisdictions;

3. Falsehoods and Fabrications;

4. Internal affairs interventions by foreign powers;

5. Unilateral monetary policies;

6. Food and Health Safety;

7. Environmental concerns;

8. Unfair trade practices and economic coercion.

Unilateral illegitimate sanctions

The western countries, particularly the US, like to impose unilateral illegitimate sanctions against other countries without UN mandates.  We must end this infamy form of abuse and revert to UN rules to maintain peace and order.

“The overwhelming majority of members in the 15-nation council called Trump's action illegal, because the U.S. was no longer a member of the JCPOA.”

Long-arm jurisdictions

The US likes to set up long-arm jurisdictions across borders within its legal structure to meddle in the internal affairs of foreign countries.  This kind of pernicious act to interfere in the internal affairs of another country contravenes the sovereignty of that country.

Falsehoods and fabrications

The US has been using falsehoods and fabrications to smear and invade other countries for its own interests.  The fabrications of Iraq’s WMD and Xinjiang's genocide are such examples.

Stop falsehoods, Help Xinjiang!

Internal affairs interventions by foreign powers

The US likes to use economic coercion by imposing economic sanctions on others for its own financial benefits.

The US has been trying to sell its LNG to the EU but the US LNG is proven to be too costly and unstable for the EU because of the long sea journey.  Moreover, the LNG supply can be easily disrupted by bad weather at sea.

Therefore, the EU and Russia have been trying to build the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline since it is cheaper and more stable.  However, the US has been trying to impose sanctions against the EU firms involved in this Nord Stream 2 project because the US wants the business deal for itself.

The US will also use non-government organizations (Ngo) to create chaos in other countries on the pretext of democracy.

Unilateral monetary policies

The US is always using its monetary policies to harm the economic interests of other countries.  Whenever the US FED conducts monetary easing or monetary tightening, the US economic impacts will spread and disrupt the world economies in the property, stock and forex markets.

Furthermore, the US will manipulate its USD (appreciation/depreciation) to exploit financial gains from others because many countries use USD as their foreign reserves.

Let me illustrate with a simple example of US financial exploitation.  This example will demonstrate how the US reduces the reserves of other countries through its currency manipulations.


Country A uses A$1.4B to exchange US$1B to buy US treasuries.  Thus, the exchange rate is A$1.4:US$1.

The US wants to reduce its debt repayment through financial gain and manipulate the exchange rate to A$1.1:US$1 (USD depreciation).  Although Country A will still get back the same principal sum of US$1B upon maturity, it has suffered a currency exchange loss of A$0.3B which is a financial gain for the US.  The reverse is true when the US raises debt in non-USD and appreciates its USD.  When the US appreciates its USD, it will use a lesser amount of USD to repay its non-USD debt.

Notwithstanding the US sanction issue, the EU, Russia and China are also trying to reduce their reliance on the USD to mitigate the US financial exploitations.  This is especially valid now because the US will need to raise trillions of debts to fund its current stimulus packages.  Therefore, countries with more USD foreign reserves will suffer more financial losses in the future.

Food and Health Safety

The US has been using its economic size and clout to shove toxic foods and chemicals into other people’s throats just because the US produces them.

Therefore, we need to stand firm together to make food and health safety our primary priority, protect our Asian fellows and make sure that our scions can live healthily without worries.

Environmental concerns

For decades, the West has been dumping their general and medical waste in Asia which has caused environmental and health concerns for the developing countries.

The recent green and sustainable energy frenzies are not completely clean because some green energy solution such as solar panel usage will produce pollutions.  The solar panel production will produce toxic waste and solar panel has a limited lifespan of about 15 years.  Therefore, we will need to prevent green energy waste from being dumped in Asia by the west in the future since solar panels are consumables.

As long as environmental experts and scientists cannot prove that carbon emission is the most important pollutant and other pollutions are just secondary, we do not support using one type of pollution to replace another pollution in the green energy developments.

Furthermore, we have been polluting the sea until microplastics and heavy metals have seeped into our food chain and our bodies.

As environmental concerns such as climate changes and pollutions need concerted efforts to resolve, we have to organize ourselves and come up with common sets of rules and regulations to protect our environment.

Unfair trade practices and economic coercions

The US always imposes unfair trade practices and economic coercions on other countries.  The TPP and TTIP are good examples of US unfair trade practices and coercions.

The poisonous clause “investor-state dispute settlement mechanism” imposed by the US in the TPP would allow foreigners to sue the local government when they thought that the regulation would harm their profits.  The arbitration would be private and binding, even if the outcome would contradict domestic laws.  In a nutshell, this US mechanism would supersede and over-rule domestic laws and contravene the sovereignty of a nation.

The EU was able to reject the unfair US trade practices in the TTIP because it was a bloc with substantial economic size.  However, many Asian countries were compelled to ratify TPP in the past until the US withdrew from it.  Therefore, Asia must also form a similar bloc to defend itself against unfair trade practices and economic coercion.

What must Asia do to protect itself and address the aforesaid concerns?

First and foremost, Asia must form a universal rules-based bloc to create universal digital cash (UDC) for transnational transactions that is impervious to unilateral monetary policies and sanctions.  This Asian Bloc (AB) will be different from the EU because it won’t dictate and impose its monetary policies on its members.  The cardinal purpose of AB is to align its Asian members’ interests and protect their common interests.  In other words, AB understands and respects the sovereignty rights of its members to determine their own monetary policies because of the huge disparity among their economic sizes and developments.  Furthermore, AB won’t deprive any member of having the prerogative to print its own currency which is unlike the EU.  The UDC will also be different from the Euro and SDR (IMF) in many ways.

The UDC will be a secured and transparent currency that promotes financial disciplinary actions.  The UDC will be based on 3 fundamental factors (GDP, Debt and Money Supply) of its members and will be created using permissible distributed ledger technology (DLT).  The money supply of UDC will be determined by the economic activities and not by AB since AB does not conduct and impose its monetary policies.  Therefore, UDC is a free rein transnational currency and any non-Asian country is welcomed to participate in the UDC program.

Since UDC’s concept is based on 3 fundamental factors, the exchange rate between the individual member’s currency and UDC will fluctuate according to the individual member’s strengths and weaknesses.  For example, the member’s currency exchange rate will be stronger when it has a higher GDP, lower debt and smaller money supply whilst the exchange rate will be weaker when the member has a lower GDP, higher debt and bigger money supply.  Ideally, all the members will be instilled with a prudent financial discipline to grow their economies if they want to achieve better UDC exchange rates for their own currencies.

To be continued.......I will write Part 2 when I’ve received many likes for this post.  Heehee!



    Please go to our FB page to like this post so that I can continue to write Part 2. Thanks!


    Poor Malaysia! Becoming a dumping ground for developed nations.
