Wednesday, March 3, 2021

US M1 and M2 money supply analysis.

M1 growth (yoy) = 68%, M1 is defined as near money(cheques), physical currencies and coins.

M2 growth (yoy) = 25%, M2 is defined as M1 plus time and saving deposits including foreign currencies.

Therefore, the M1 & M2 growth gap (68%-25% = 43%) will denote liquidity in the economy.

What does this M1-M2 growth gap mean?

It means that the US FED's QE is not really working because the growth gap (43%) is indicating very high liquidity in the economy which defies the FED's intention to boost economic growth.

Conversely, when this growth gap narrows, it means that people are putting the cheap monies to good uses which will boost consumer spendings and investments in businesses.

1 comment:

  1. Biden's US$1.9T stimulus bill will widen the M1-M2 growth gap further.
