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Monday, April 5, 2021

Pfizer has finally come clean about its vaccine efficacy. - Part 2

In Feb 2021, Pfizer said that the B1351 variant would reduce its vaccine's efficacy by 2/3 after analyzing its lab studies.

In April 2021, Pfizer declared that its vaccine was effective against B1351.

Look like we'll only know the truth in the real world.

Since Japan is inoculating its people with Pfizer's vaccines, we will know the truth soon by observing Japan's situation.  How is Japan doing now?

Japan is having a resurgent right now (4th wave) and the bad news is Pfizer's vaccines are unlikely to stop the 4th wave as indicated by an AI simulation.


Unknown said...

That's coz the vaccination rate in Japan is damn low, even lower than China which is quite bad herself.

For effectiveness, can just monitor Singapore where already 1 million out of 5.8m have received at least 1 dose (80% Pfizer and 20% moderna).

Most of the infected here, whether at the airport or in the community, are increasingly of the covid mutation types.

Anyway I'm not taking the vaccine, just sitting back and enjoying the show.

Eric Ho said...

SG won't be a good place to monitor the efficacy because we've virtually no community infection. Therefore, many people are not exposed to the variants on a daily basis.

We will end up with a misguided conclusion because we don't know whether the vaccines are effective or our people are not exposed to the virus at all.