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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Russia has thrown its weight behind Myanmar Junta. - Part 2

Russia has spoken up for Myanmar Junta again.  However, Myanmarese protestors still don't dare to protest against Russia or burn the Russian flag.

It looks like the Myanmarese specifically target only China.

China, Russia, India and Vietnam all refused to take further punitive actions against the military junta in the recent UNSC meeting but the Myanmarese only targeted China by burning China's flag.

We had stated previously we couldn't comprehend the Myanmarese protestors.  The only logical deduction is that they're being controlled by a foreign power.

The Myanmarese protestors are not getting support from its neighbours and they don't bother to understand the conundrum.  India and Vietnam won't support the protestors because they don't want to offend Russia since they're buying Russian weapons.  China has a diplomatic policy of not interfering in internal domestic affairs and won't be supporting the protestors.  Thailand also won't support the protestors since it is on good terms with the junta.  Let's not forget that Thailand was the only one giving advice to the junta on the military coup since it had the experience.  Thailand also stopped the Myanmarese refugees from crossing the Thai border.

If these protestors want China to rein in the junta, they should approach China with good gestures.  No matter what, they shouldn't protest against China and burn the China flag but still want China to help them.

Furthermore, many other ASEAN countries (including SG) also won't sanction the military junta.  Therefore, the Myanmarese protestors are making the wrong move by allowing themselves to be used by the west.  The west wants to see the China-Myanmar port and oil pipeline being terminated and these protestors are playing right into the western hand.

These protestors will only lose more lives and bring a civil war upon themselves.  I don't know whether I should pity them or laugh at their own stupidity.

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