Thursday, April 1, 2021

The truth about Xinjiang's cotton! - Part 2


Look at how a foreigner in China mocked western media's fabrications.

Many people don't know how hard it is to hide over 1m detainees or over half a million forced labourers.  I shall present crowd visualization to clear your mind.

Crowd size: 100K

Xinjiang's forced labour size: "A few!"

The US always uses satellite images but the US cannot even capture a crowd size of a few thousand forced labourers in Xinjiang.

Let's recap the so-called "genocide" in Xinjiang:
1. Uygur's population increased by 25% tover 12m from 10m in less than a decade.
2. No mass exodus of Uygurs in Xinjiang compared tother genocide events.
3. Xinjiang's GDP grew 7.2% annually prior to the pandemic despite the ongoing genocide.
4. No picture of detainees taken.
5. Uygur's lifespan increased from 30 years to 74 years during the ongoing genocide.

I believe many low-birth countries will love to have this kind of "genocide" in their own countries.  Don't you?

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