Monday, August 16, 2021

Yeah! The US will be removing the US-China tariffs soon! - Part 2

The US is trying to engage China to help it deal with its inflation problem by stating its intention to link US debts with the removal of the US-China tariffs.  Basically, the US wants China to buy more US treasuries in exchange for the removal of the US-China tariffs but China is ignoring Yellen's request.

Then, the jaded Yellen declared that she had no travelling plan to China in Autumn because there was no invitation from China after the news release.

China will have no intention to discuss the US-China tariffs since China has been coping extremely well with the tariffs unless the US can offer more concessions to China.

We had stated in June that the US had no choice but to remove the US-China tariffs to reduce the US inflation pressure.  With the current persistent high inflation, the US will face an impending financial crisis in 2022.

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