Saturday, March 5, 2022

The hard truth: Russia is not wrong to invade Ukraine.

Before I embark on this heartwrenching analysis, I would like that state very clearly that I am only saying it is not wrong for Russia to invade Ukraine but I'm not saying it is the right thing to do.


Let me jolt your memory about a similar historical event before we start the ball rolling.

Cuban missiles crisis:

The US used its military might to besiege Cuba to prevent it from deploying the Russian missiles system which posed a national security threat to the US because of its proximity.  In the end, Cuba relented in exchange for non-invasion by the US.  Thus, the US had never considered and respected the sovereignty rights, territorial integrity, and political independence of Cuba but instead used its military superiority to coerce Cuba into submission all in the name of US national security.  No country had sanctioned the US for this.

What were Putin's concerns prior to Ukraine's invasion?

1. Nato had expanded 5 times eastward towards Russia and had deployed its missiles systems in neighbouring countries around Russia.  Ukraine is just beside Russia and Russia won't allow Nato to deploy its missile system in Ukraine.

Since it takes at least a few minutes from the time a radar detects an incoming missile to the time in seeking approval from the higher authority to intercept the missile, no country will have enough time to prepare for a missile interception if a foreign missile can hit a country in just a few minutes.  Therefore, it is a national security threat to any country, be it the US or Russia, when a nearby hostile country is able to conduct a missile attack in just a few minutes.

2.  As Crimea is already under Russia's jurisdiction, Putin won't allow Ukraine to reclaim it under the pretext of being a Nato member.  This further reinforced Putin's conviction to invade Ukraine to eliminate his primary concerns.

We could see that Ukraine was not as smart as Cuba because it didn't avoid an invasive war like Cuba did.  The former US secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, had already stated very clearly in 2014 that Ukraine shouldn't join Nato because it would pose a serious threat to Russia and Russia would retaliate.

As the UN and the rest of the world have not punished the US retroactively for its past deeds, I see nothing wrong with Russia or other countries following in the footsteps of the US.  As the US has done many past deeds of war crimes, human rights violations, and invasions, I will only list some to substantiate my points.

Past deeds of the US:

1. US used a bottle of washing powder in the UN to declare war against Iraq and attacked Iraq without UN mandate.

2. US attacked Syria without UN mandate.

3. US attacked Libya without UN mandate.

4. US attacked Afghanistan without UN mandate.  (Bin Laden was found and killed by the US in Pakistan and not in Afghanistan.)

UN and the rest of the world didn't punish and sanction the US for all these illegal invasions and attacks that were without UN mandates.  Therefore, I can't find any valid reason to punish Russia for invading Ukraine in the name of its national security because Russia is just emulating the US.  As long as the world doesn't punish the US retroactively for its past deeds, this kind of "maverick" political action will continue in the future.

The world must enforce a universal rule-based order and condemn discriminatory rule-based order because every country must be subjected to the same scrutiny and standard.  In other words, we cannot allow a particular country to invade another country in the name of national security but condemn another country for doing exactly the same thing.  This is a very important message I want to accentuate for my viewers.

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