Sunday, March 20, 2022

The hard truth: Russia is not wrong to invade Ukraine. - Part 4

More people and countries are coming out to support Russia in its war against Ukraine because they are not being misled by the distorted truth.

The Russia-Ukraine war is not about a bigger country bullying a smaller nation but terminating the security threat the smaller nation wants to pose to the bigger country.

Even the South African President had voiced his support for Russia because he knew the historical facts.

Many politicians had tried to change the context of the war by framing it as a big nation bullying a small nation but this rhetoric is not going to fool everyone.  Every country wants to feel safe and this right is not only exclusive to the US because a universal rule-based order applies across the board and not selectively.

We are not trying to exonerate or exculpate Russia but we're just trying to present the truth.

1 comment:

  1. The prime example, bar none, of a big country invading or meddling in the internal affairs of small countries is the US.
    They did this at least 25 times since 1950, including overthrowing democratically elected governments when it was in their interests (e.g., covertly removed the democratically elected government and installed monarchical rule in Iran in 1953, overtly overthrew the democratically elected government and installed a military dictatorship in Guatemala in 1954). Where were the sanctions?
    Korea (1950), Guatemala (1954), Indonesia (1958), Cuba (1961), Vietnam (1961), Congo (1964), Laos (1964), Brazil (1964), Dominica (1965), Greece (1967), Argentina (1976), Nicaragua (1981) Granada (1984), Philippine (1989), Panama (1989), Iraq (1991/2003), SRPSKA (1995), Sudan (1999), Yugoslavia (1999), Afghanistan (221), Yemen (2002), Somali (2006), Libya (2011), Syria (2011)
