Thursday, March 17, 2022

What will the US FED do for its March 2022 meeting? - Part 2

Bingo! We've got it right again!  The US FED has hiked its interest rate by 25bp in March 2022.  This was exactly what we had projected and there was no black swan event.

Let me give you some highlights of the meeting.

The dot plot chart in March indicated there would be a total of 7 interest rate hikes in 2022.  Therefore, the US FED will hike 25bp for each of the 6 remaining meetings in 2022 to make up for a total of 7 hikes.

The FED meeting had also indicated that the US would be having a diminishing marginal GDP growth in each year till 2024 because its GDP would be affected by 3 years of quantitative tapering.

The FED preferred inflation indicator (Core PCE inflation) had also jumped by a much bigger margin than December's projection.  The PCE inflation had indicated that the FED was way behind the inflation curve and the FED would need to do more to rein in the US inflation.  However, the US president will be having a mid-term election in November 2022 and any aggressive hike in the 2nd half of this year will be detrimental to the November election.  Thus, the FED will do any aggressive hike in the 1st half of this year if necessary.

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