Saturday, March 30, 2024

US GDP Q4 2023 Update. - Part 2
The US Q4 2023 had been revised from 3.2% to 3.4%.
Let's take a look at what had changed.

1st previous Q4 2023:
Q4GDP Growth (3.3) = 0.56 (G)+0.38 (I)+1.91 (C)+0.43 (NE) = 3.28(3.3)
2nd previous Q4 2023:
Q4GDP Growth (3.2) = 0.73 (G)+0.17 (I)+2 (C)+0.32 (NE) = 3.22(3.2)
Current Q4 2023:

Q4GDP Growth (3.4) = 0.79 (G)+0.15 (I)+2.2 (C)+0.25 (NE) = 3.39(3.4)

We can see that the latest Q4 2023 GDP has the following changes:
1. Government spending had increased.
2. Investment had decreased.
3. Consumption had increased.
4. Net export had decreased.

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