Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Did pfizer vaccination cause Biden to get covid for the 3rd time?

Why did Biden get covid 3 times in just 2 years?

After doing some searching online, we discovered that Pfizer had been sued twice in just 1 year.

Pfizer was being sued by Texas in November 2023 for its fabricated vaccine efficacy.  The true effectiveness was just 0.85% as stated instead of 95%.

In June 2024, Kansas sued Pfizer for covering up its vaccine side effects and misleading the public.

The worst efficacy claim for Sinovac vaccine by the western media was about 50%.  It is a no brainer to know what to choose (Pfizer 0.85% vs Sinovac 50.4%).

Do you still dare to take Pfizer vaccine now?

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