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Friday, July 7, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 7 July 2017

US must work with China and Russia to resolve North Korea's threat.

The USA will always meet objections in UN when it doesn't work with China and Russia in resolving any issue.

UN is not a subsidiary of USA and USA cannot lead UN per se.  UN will become a useless organization when there is a non-consensus.  This is the reality for UN.

A North Korea war is not a simple affair.

If a war breaks out in North Korea due to the USA, it won't be a simple affair.  Why?

This is because the North Korea war will drag China, Russia, South Korea and Japan into it.  When there are so many countries involved in a war, it will definitely get messy and cannot be easily controlled.

NK will definitely attack SK and Japan while China and Russia will support NK for its fight against the USA.  Therefore, the USA is unlikely to attack NK without approvals from China and Russia.  Asia will be in a big chaos because of this NK war.

Do we really want a war that is in Asia?

Bermuda Triangle produced a new island in just 60 days.

This new island is created in just 60 days in Bermuda Triangle and is not pushed up from the seabed.

Scientists do not understand the formation of this new island because it has a lot of shells on it.  This is abnormal because the new island is formed in just 60 days.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

USA issues war threat against North Korea.

The USA won't attack NK unless it has permissions from China & Russia because China & Russia will support NK if a war breaks out.

NK is strategically important to China & Russia.

Singapore stock calls for 6 July 2017

Did PM Lee lie in the parliament?

Just look at this FB screenshot and decide for yourself.

Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei ling insist that PM Lee has abused his power.

Both claimed to have more pieces of evidence of PM LEE's power abuses but they won't be showing in public.

Abuse of power is a serious offence!  Any offender must be brought to justice.

North Korea's ICBM testing has the support from Russia & China.

How did North Korea get the ICBM technology?

It is Russia that transferred the ICBM technology to NK but ICBM technology alone is not enough to make it a success as GPS is needed to guide the ICBM.  Therefore, China let NK use the beidou GPS for the ICBM testing.

Why did China and Russia help NK to develop the ICBM?

I have to attribute this to the USA for forcefully installing the THAAD system in South Korea.  China and Russia are helping NK so that they will have a bargaining chip to negotiate with the USA to remove the THAAD system from SK.  This is a political tactic that I've mentioned previously in my post below.

When you don't have any bargaining chip, you have to create a stinging issue and use it to negotiate with your opponent.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 5 July 2017

PM Lee declared no abuse of power!

It is not surprising to reach this outcome due to the "ownself checks ownself" policy.  Furthermore, LHY and LWL cannot be present to refute PM Lee and present their own versions.

The Singapore drama is over and life will return to normal because Singaporeans only regard this as an entertainment.  Singaporeans don't really care much about politics nowadays.  When we don't care about our first elected president, why would we care about the Lee family squabble?

Nigeria forcefully evicted Taiwan office and Taiwan was just returning the favour.

This is what Taiwan deserved for not recognising the one-China policy and for rejoicing the US port of call.

A forced eviction is the most humiliated political incident.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

A slightly different picture of the Lee family's network.

I've found a slightly different Lee family's network with Ho Peng Kee on it.

I don't know which one is correct as there's a lot of fake news out there.

PM Lee said there's no NEPOTISM but research showed otherwise.

I found this Lee family network picture online.

Maybe PM Lee should explain the relationships above.

The ulterior motive behind freedom of navigation.

This is just a political tactic for negotiation.

When you have no bargaining chip in your hand, you have to create a political issue which can sting your opponent.  Then, you can use this stinging issue for a quid pro quo negotiation in return.

The USA has been successful insofar in using this tactic because China President has raised this stinging issue with President Trump.

This is a typical USA political style and I've seen this played out many times.

Our MPs called for independent inquiry for the power abuse allegations but our PM Lee won't allow it.

PM Lee knows that more skeletons will be uncovered as his siblings will release more juicy stuff.  Therefore, he won't allow it and declare that there is no abuse of power.  End of the story.

Singapore stock calls for 4 July 2017

China's quantum radar will make USA stealth technology useless.

Stealth fighter planes will show up on quantum radar very clearly and its make and model can be established easily.

Look at the pictures below.

A bird is clearly identified on the quantum radar.

A stealth bomber is clearly identified on a quantum radar.

Lee Kuan Yew's email indicated that PM Lee had decided to declare the house as a heritage site.

This means that he will stop the executors from executing LKY's will.

Mr Goh said minister must sue or else step down!

Is he going to follow through on what he's said?

Will he ask PM Lee to step down?

What if PM Lee doesn't step down for not suing?