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Thursday, March 2, 2017

US stock markets are high on drugs now!

USA fundamentals have not changed much on the main street but wall street's euphoria is based on sentiments towards Trump's speeches insofar.  Trump's fiscal stimulus will boost the economy but this ephemeral will be negated by Janet Yellen's rate rises and the stock markets will come crashing down hard.  The US stock markets are like a house of cards now.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Advancement in robotic technology. What the latest robot can do!

This is simply amazing! The robot can balance itself so well and navigate over hurdles.

Japan wants to tell USA to respect WTO rules.

What a joke!

There is no way for Japan to tell USA what to do.  It's always USA telling Japan what to do.

Singapore stock calls for 1 March 2017

Ezra's ECS bankruptcy will affect DBS & OCBC.

DBS & OCBC have loan exposures to ECS.  Ezra will have to write off its ECS investment of about USD$170m (40% stake in ecs).  DBS's exposure is about USD$84.6m and OCBC's exposure is about USD$13.1m.

UN is an useless organization now!

If the west especially USA don't work with China and Russia, UN will be a useless organization that cannot get work done because there must be not a single veto in any UN decision.  When there are 2 vetoes from Russia & China, UN cannot carry out its ruling.

WTO is fast losing its credibility.

WTO refused to honour its own contract with China to grant the market economy status automatically after 15 years.  By setting such a bad example to the world, USA is just following suit by ignoring WTO rulings.

Why must other countries abide by WTO ruling when WTO refuses to abide by its own contract?

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 28 February 2017

North Korea is at its wits' end now.

Coal export to China constitutes 1/3 of North Korea's incomes.  Therefore, coal import ban from China will affect North Korea tremendously.  North Korea's coals are of high quality because they're non-smoke coals which don't produce smogs.

The next weapon China has is OIL export ban to North Korea.  This will crumble NK.

South Korea will enter economic downturn in 2017 - Part 3

China will ban and boycott LOTTE businesses in China for helping South Korea government to install THAAD system.  Good grief! Why is South Korea so adamant in THAAD installation when the system cannot defend against more than 10,000 mobile rockets launchers from North Korea?

Part 2:

Monday, February 27, 2017

Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Kim who was assassinated in KLIA might not be the real Kim Jong Nam.

There was a Japanese reporter who claimed to be have known Kim Jong Nam for a long time said that Kim Jong Nam had tattoos on his body including his tummy.  However, no tattoo was spotted on his tummy on the picture (as shown).  Therefore, the deceased man might not be the real Kim Jong Nam according to the Japanese reporter.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

DPM Tharman said that the government had enough provision for this decade.

Let's see if this is true by not raising GST in this decade since the government has enough provision.

Bill Gates' suggestion on robot tax won't work!
Imposition of robot tax to save any human job won't work because it is a regressive action that will impede productivity.  This action will force businesses to choose between human or robot based on cost instead of productivity.  Furthermore, businesses will move to other countries without robot tax so that more robots can be used.  The fundamental reason businesses adopt automation is to improve productivity and lower production cost.  If we impose robot tax to compel businesses to adopt lesser robots, it will defeat the purpose of improving productivity as a human cannot work 24/7.  If full automation can increase productivity and lower product cost better than semi-automation with some human labour, why would we want semi-automation unless full automation has a higher robot tax which can lead to higher production cost?

Iphone 7 is an exploding device. Be careful!

Iphone 7 has gone awry! It can explode like an IED.

Iceberg has issued another report on Noble group.

No smoke without fire or this report on Noble's fraud is also a fraud report?

Baltic dry index - 875

Today, Friday, February 24 2017, the Baltic Dry Index climbed by 19 points, reaching 875 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Cosco & Sembcorp Marine.

US rig count - 754

HOUSTON (AP) - The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. increased by three this week to 754.
A year ago, 502 rigs were active.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes Inc. said Friday that 602 rigs sought oil and 151 explored for natural gas this week. One was listed as miscellaneous.
Texas increased by eight rigs and Wyoming gained one.
Alaska and Louisiana each lost two rigs and North Dakota declined by one.
Arkansas, California, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Utah and West Virginia were all unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco.

South Korea will enter economic downturn in 2017 - Part 2

The Chinese in China will boycott South Korea goods if THAAD system is installed because of nationalistic sentiment.  We cannot disregard this nationalistic sentiment which is deeply rooted in Chinese culture.  South Korea economy will be greatly affected beyond imagination if the Chinese do not buy South Korea goods.

Part 1:

China GDP growth is expected to slow down further in 2017.

The expected growth rate for China is 6.64% in 2017 which is lower than 6.7% in 2016.  Therefore, world economies won't be doing better in 2017 than in 2016 because of lower growth and uncertain USA economic policies.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Latest UFO activity with the sun.

Jupiter size UFO collided into the sun.  The shape of the UFO is clearly captured by soho satellite which is monitoring the sun 24/7.

Singapore stock calls for 23 February 2017

Is Euro coming to an end?

If France is the first to dump Euro, Euro will definitely crash to the abyss as France is a big country in EU.  This will prompt many countries to hoard USD which will cause USD to spike up and create inflation faster than ever.

Second earth is found!

However, we'll never reach there until we've learnt how to bend space time or create a wormhole.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 22 February 2017

UFO sighting captured by german pilot!

This happened recently in Germany sky.  The passenger jet lost contact with Germany control tower and Germany sent fighter jets up the sky to look for the missing passenger jet.  The fighter jets found the passenger jet and continued to escort it.  Guess what!  UFO appeared and flew across the jets.

Visit India at your own risk!

India is a country that treats women as whores.  A popular indian actress was raped in her own car. OMG!

Is Trump's impeachment coming?

2 Harvard law professors spearheaded an impeachment campaign against President Trump and signatory list had reached 1m.  Is Trump a transition president in the making?

How are veggies and fruit prepared by machines!

Machines can do better than humans!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Dubai's sea firefighter is awesome.

Really awesome!

Singapore stock calls for 21 February 2017

Who killed Kim Jong Nam?

The likely suspects are:
South Korea
North Korea

USA is unlikely to be the culprit as CIA is busy in dealing with Trump's anti-thesis propaganda.

China is also unlikely to be the culprit as China is protecting Kim Jong Nam and his family.

South Korea is unlikely to be the culprit as it is busy with the presidential scandal.

North Korea is also unlikely to be the culprit as it is NEVER the modus operandi(MO) to use foreign agents to kill.  It always uses its own agents for the killings or else it will raise an alarming bell in its own country for the desperate MO.

Therefore, the only likely culprit left is JAPAN because it wants to frame North Korea and topple the dictator.

This is our conclusion based on logical thinking.

World's first certified flying car is ready for delivery in 2018.

Wow! No more traffic jam!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 20 February 2017

CCTV of Kim's last moment in KL airport.

China is developing the next generation supercomputer.

This is truly a breakthrough and China can do a lot of simulations with this supercomputer especially for military developments.  I didn't know a supercomputer could generate almost USD$1.5b of economic benefits. WOW!

USA new travel ban is coming!

This is a less intrusive ban but is still discriminating against muslims.

USA is creating troubles in South China Sea again.

It will be interesting to see how USA will continue to insist on freedom of navigation when China 2nd aircraft carrier is operational in 2020.  By then, the liaoning carrier (first carrier) will be more combat ready than today.  USA will have to deal with 2 carriers in 2020.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

How to be sanguine about Singapore economy when more countries are bypassing our port?

As time passes, there will be more countries transporting goods from east to west without passing through Singapore because of the new land and sea routes developed by China.  How to continue to be a strategic sea hub like this?  Without our strategic sea hub status, Singapore economy will definitely suffer.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

China and Britain are fostering closer relationship now.

As the railway freight has started operations between UK and China, UK and China will foster a deeper relationship and the railway freight volumes will pick up tremendously in the future.  This will definitely lead to a reduced sea freights that have to pass through Singapore.

China land freights are picking up and replacing the sea freights.

Pakistan and China are bypassing Singapore and there'll be more trades which will bypass Singapore.  Singapore is fast losing its strategic sea hub importance now.
Today, Friday, February 17 2017, the Baltic Dry Index climbed by 31 points, reaching 741 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Sembcorp marine, Cosco.

US rig count - 751

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. increased by 10 this week to 751.
A year ago, 514 rigs were active.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes Inc. said Friday that 597 rigs sought oil and 153 explored for natural gas this week. One was listed as miscellaneous.
Texas increased by 16 rigs and Utah gained one.
Louisiana lost three rigs, New Mexico declined by two and Alaska, North Dakota and Oklahoma each lost one.
Arkansas, California, Colorado, Kansas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Wyoming were all unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May at 404.
Related stocks : Keppel corp, Sembcorp marine, Cosco.

UFO fleet captured by ISS cam.

Latest feed by ISS and UFO fleet was passing by.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Will Ezra affect DBS like Swiber did?

DBS CEO said there's nothing wrong with Swiber before it exploded.  DBS didn't give a full account of EZRA exposure and state the worst was over.  If EZRA explodes, DBS would get hit again because of the under provision.

Singapore stock calls for 17 February 2017

Singapore non-oil domestic exports (NODX)

Something looks dicey from the statistics.  Year on year changes denote marginal diminishing growth.

Jan 2017: 8.6%
Dec 2016: 9.1%
Nov 2016: 15.6%

Singapore depends heavily on China for our economic growth as it is our largest export market.  Therefore, it is not advisable to pursue USA interest to contain China.

Japan is educating its new generation with its own history.

Here we go again! Japan is brainwashing its students and whitewashing its history.  This is the reason why we must insist Japan to apologize for its atrocities in WW2 until it stops its stupidity act.  UN had already archived the Nanjing massacre on its documentation and Japan would only be confusing its citizens when they visited countries outside of Japan to learn more about its atrocities.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 16 February 2017

LTA is one of the HSR project winners.

This is indeed surprising as LTA has no experience in building HSR. The only experience LTA has is in MRT & LRT.  HSR is a more advanced technology than the normal railway because of its high speed.  I just hope the HSR doesn't break down or delay as often as our MRT/LRT.  Malaysia corporation also has no experience in HSR.  This is indeed a blind leads blind project development.  I wonder how did Malaysia evaluate the whole HSR project as safety would be very important.  Nonetheless, I'm happy to know that we're involved in the HSR project and we can learn a great deal with the on the job training.

FED is expected to reduce its massive treasuries holdings in 2017.

We've reported this in early Feb and its impacts.

Please read our posting below.

Singapore banks are in deep troubles!

Singapore banks have huge doubtful loans in the oil & gas industries because of under provisions.  The banks have to increase the provisions significantly by as much as 2/3 which will affect their earnings in 2017.

China 2nd aircraft carrier will be launched in 2017

It will be harder for USA to contain China soon.  Great news for China but bad news for USA!

Driverless flying taxi will be operational in Dubai in 2017

Wow! Dubai is so advanced now!  More high tech than SG!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Malaysia arrested a Vietnamese woman for the murder of Kim.

Taiwan has a bleak analysis of Singapore.

Taiwan has a bleak analysis of Singapore because China is trying to contain SG's growth.

Singapore stock calls for 15 February 2017

Singapore government can do no wrong.

Our government can do no wrong! Just look below.

Our government has redefined the definition of elected president.  Disagreeing means casting aspersion on AG.

Our government uses a japanese name for our historical gallery to REMEMBER our japanese aggressor, not HONOUR it.  This is the same as Japanese government remembering their war HEROS in Yasukuni shrine which provokes the ire of other countries like China and South Korea.

If this is just a remembrance, why would other countries complain against Japan for remembering its war heros?

Kim Jong Nam wouldn't be killed if he had remained in Singapore.

He should remain in SG for the sake of security even though SG is a boring place.  He came to SG in 2012 and left in 2014.  This was the information I gathered from the internet.

What will happen if USA hikes rates 4 times this year?

If risk-free rate goes up to 3.5% by the end of 2017, many things will go awry.  Many people will suffer investment losses and product prices will become a lot more expensive because of high inflation.  Economic growth will become anaemic and we'll be entering an era of stagflation which is difficult to handle.  Economists have great difficulties dealing with stagflation than inflation or deflation.

USA will hike interest rate in March 2017.

It's a pre-emptive and precautionary move because of upcoming Trump's fiscal stimulus policy.

Secrets of Mars.

Who is the real owner of South China Sea islands?

China has WW2 documents to prove that it is the true owner of South China Sea islands but USA is trying to whitewash these documents just like Japan did for its history.

USA has not come forward to dispute China foreign minister's speech in Australia.  In his speech, he asked USA to study WW2 history again and reminded USA of WW2 documents.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

China to conduct military exercise in Feb 2017 after the recent US spy plane incident.

This military exercise is to test the operational readiness of its military setups in South China Sea and will show the world its capabilities to defend against any military confrontation in South China Sea.

Our viewers are more interested in politics than stocks.

Our data analytics finding shows that our viewers are interested in politics, current affairs and UFOs more than stocks.  This phenomenon is also reflected in the popular posts ranking on our blog.  Therefore, we will focus more in these areas in the future to cater to our viewers' demand and preference.

Thank you for your support and we hope to do better in the new year.

Singapore stock calls for 14 February 2017

Who will benefit in a high interest rate environment?

Banks and insurance companies will benefit because of their interest generating incomes.

Global inflation is coming!

As stated in our previous postings, global inflation will hit us and interest rates will go higher.  Please see below for more information.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Singapore government doesn't know how to bring Singapore forward.

Our ministers don't know how to bring Singapore forward but still want to demand high salaries in the name of corruption avoidance.  When I look at the report, I know our future is sealed because our ministers cannot think independently and need to have constant public consultations.

In the private sector, you will always be hired based on what you know and not what you don't know.  However, this is not the practice in the public sector.  This is why we have medical doctors in charge of engineering and military which won't happen in the private sector.  For example, you will never find a medical doctor at the helm of Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, etc.

Anyway, 70% of Singaporeans decided to have this kind of system in place.  Therefore, we'll just enjoy the remaining aggregate fruit of success while it still lasts.  Good luck to us all!

Singapore stock calls for 13 February 2017

Stock markets may crash soon!

The ones that will make big bucks are Trump's cronies as Trump can dictate where the stock markets will go.  His cronies can just buy or short the stock markets before Trump announces his policies or tweets.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Trump will issue another travel ban order!

Since his first travel ban order was blocked by the court, he will just issue another travel ban order.

Baltic dry index - 702

Today, Friday, February 10 2017, the Baltic Dry Index decreased by 5 points, reaching 702 points.

Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.


Related stocks: Cosco & Sembcorp marine

US rig count - 741

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. increased by 12 this week to 741.
A year ago, 541 rigs were active.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes Inc. said Friday that 591 rigs sought oil and 149 explored for natural gas this week. One was listed as miscellaneous.
Texas increased by seven rigs, New Mexico was up by four rigs, Louisiana and West Virginia each gained two and Pennsylvania was up one.
Ohio and Wyoming each lost two rigs.
Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Kansas, North Dakota, Oklahoma and Utah were all unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel corp, Sembcorp marine & Cosco.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 10 February 2017

Trump is such a hypocrite!

Trump wrote a letter to China to wish all the Chinese a happy CNY and also wanted to develop a constructive relationship with China.  Conversely, he continued to stir up troubles in South China Sea with US spy plane.

USA will have to issue more debts to cover money lost in tax receipts.

Trump is proposing a 20% corporate tax which will reduce the tax receipts significantly as the current tax ceiling is 35%.

Therefore, USA has to issue more bonds to cover the money lost from lesser tax receipts.  All in all, interest rates will climb.

Trump has thrown in the towel and will standby the one china policy.

Trump cannot resist the internal political pressures to accept the one-China policy.  This is Trump first policy defeat and there will be more to come.  Nonetheless, this is a great news for the world.

Stock markets revolve around Trump now!

Whether Trump can carry out his policies or not will be the real question!  Just look at the travel ban that is suspended by the court.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 9 February 2017

China is the world's largest economy based on PPP.

Statistics from world bank

China is expected to overtake USA's economy in nominal GDP by 2030.

China's economy will be 50% bigger than USA in the year 2050 (see below).

Statistics from PWC

Whose side do you want to be on? USA or China?

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Trade war between USA and China is spreading!

This will cause hyperinflation across the globe because of the punitive tariffs.

USA will have more to lose than China because China has more ammunitions than USA.  USA has more investments in China than China investments in USA.  Hyperinflation will hit USA first and USA has to raise interest rate in March 2017.

Singapore stock calls for 8 February 2017

China can bypass Asean to trade with Europe now.

The one-belt-one-road initiative has enabled China to transports goods to Europe and vice versa without passing through Asean because of the new sea and land routes.

China has proof that its proclamation in South China sea is valid.

The proof was in 1946 when USA sent its navy to accompany China to retake the islands in South China sea.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Russia warns South Korea about THAAD installation.

South Korea is digging its own grave by offending China & Russia with THAAD installation.

Declassified UFO documents in Canada.

Canada found something in 1968 which dropped from the sky and it was something beyond human's technology.

"The relevant documents indicate that a 99% titanium fragment with a white, ceramic-like crystaline material on one side was found in or around October 1968 (but tests indicated it had "been down for more than 90 days") in the Wollaston Lake area of Saskachewan, Canada. "
End Quote.

This showed that a supreme being created it which we called ALIEN.

Singapore stock calls for 7 February 2017

Iran to ban americans and ditch USD.

If Iran ditches USD, it will definitely push USD lower because Iran is a major oil producer.

4m bpd is not a small volume.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Who was Singapore first elected president?

According to our National Library resources, our first elected president was Ong Teng Cheong.

Our last appointed president was Wee Kim Wee with vested power of an elected president.

An elected president has to be elected and not appointed.  Therefore, it is wrong to say that Wee Kim Wee was our first elected president.

Singapore stock calls for 6 February 2017

South Korea will enter economic downturn in 2017

As predicted in our previous postings, South Korea economy will suffer when it wants to install THAAD system.  The economic impacts will materialise this year.

Here we go again! USA is stirring trouble in Asia.

USA is seeking to destabilise the world by messing up Middle East, Europe and Asia for its own benefits.  This is the best way to get countries to buy USA weapons.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Saturday, February 4, 2017

China tested its latest DF-5C missiles.

China has more than 1 type of ICBMs to safeguard its own interests.  Besides DF-41, China has DF-5C.  Therefore, USA will think thrice before having any military confrontation with China.

EU is sick of USA!

USA is alienating itself from the world and is becoming "unwelcome".  Besides creating troubles in Asia and Middle East, it is beginning to stir troubles in EU.

Is USA bond market going to explode soon?

With the USA debt reaching $20T limit soon, USA will have to lift the debt limit and issue more bonds to pay or rollover its debt which will cause interest rates to go up as bond prices move inversely to its interest rates.

Currently, the FED is holding $4.45T of treasuries because of its past QE actions and will have to unwind all these down to $1T soon.  The deluge of $3.45T of treasuries will definitely cause bond prices to fall and interest rates to spike up even when the FED unwinds them gradually.  This is truly a double whammy for the bond market.