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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Aluminium alloy found in Romania was tested to be 250,000 years old.

Baltic dry index - 842

Today, Friday, October 21 2016, the Baltic Dry Index decreased by 7 points, reaching 842 points.

Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.

US oil rig count - 553

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. increased by 14 this week to 553.
A year ago, 787 rigs were active. Depressed energy prices have sharply curtailed oil and gas exploration.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes Inc. said Friday that 443 rigs sought oil and 108 explored for natural gas this week. Two were listed as miscellaneous.
Among major oil- and gas-producing states, Texas gained 10 rigs, Wyoming increased by three, New Mexico was up two and Alaska and Utah added one apiece.
Louisiana declined by two rigs and Colorado was off by one.
Arkansas, California, Kansas, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and West Virginia were unchanged.

The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May at 404.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Nobody could explain the black knight satellite orbiting earth.

Russia & Turkey are fighting USA in Syria.

Russia and Turkey are bombing US-backed militia.

Singapore stock calls for 21 October 2016

What's wrong with this article?

Asset and liability
China has realized its mistake to regard Singapore as a Chinese nation and the Chinese caucus has been advising the communist party not to do that recently due to anti-China remarks.  I wonder this is good or bad for SG as China will regard SG as just another sovereign without preferential treatment and SG will lose its facilitator role.

Singapore's commitment to Asean
Majority of Asean support China stance in South China Sea.  Only SG and Vietnam support USA stance in South China Sea.  How can there be unity in Asean with 2 Asean countries go against China among its 10 members?  One cannot just keep preaching unity without practising it.

Relations with major powers
If SG didn't side with USA, China diplomat won't demand SG to stay out of South China Sea in August 2016.  This is the first time that China used such harsh attitude towards SG.  Relationship with China has definitely gone south recently.

Different world views
Everyone wants a rule-based world but this rule-based standard must be applied universally.  In other words, no country can impose its will on others by might which is an ideology that we all strive to achieve.  This rule-based standard cannot be selectively applied.  For example, only certain countries can use might to rule this world but others cannot.  Who attacked Iraq without UN mandate with fabricated intelligence that Iraq possessed WMD? Who went around setting military bases in the world?  How come USA can meddle in South China Sea when it is a non-claimant? The reason is simple: USA has the might to do it!

We support all states to follow UN convention on the law of the sea but this convention can only be interpreted and served by a true and legal court.  ICJ is the only true and legal international court but not PCA.  One cannot enforce PCA ruling on one country but oppose PCA ruling on another country.  Therefore, we cannot ask China to adhere to PCA ruling but allow Australia to reject PCA ruling.  Philippines filed the case in PCA but not ICJ under the instruction of USA.  Why PCA but not ICJ?  This is because ICJ will throw out this case as it contravenes the ICJ jurisdiction.

Never name your phone 7! Iphone 7 is another exploding device.

Iphone 7 can explode like Samsung S7.

EU is drifting away from USA & UK.

Another proof that US & UK are building a wall of self-isolation.

USA is at risk of erecting a wall of self-isolation and it is alienating itself now.

Philippines president has realized that USA is the real troublemaker in this world.

USA and Europe countries invaded Philippines in the past and ruled Philippines but not China.  Why did Philippines hate China then?  This hatred was imbued by the USA during USA ruling because USA dictated the history text in Philippines.

Duterte has a good knowledge of his country's history and he knows USA is not a reliable and trustworthy country.  He also knows that USA created a lot of troubles in Middle East.

Therefore, he is striking a strategic alliance with China and Russia to counteract the evil force (USA).

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Philippines declares separation from USA!

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Singapore stock calls for 20 October 2016

Primary maths

A boy is using a flight of stairs. He walks some steps and runs 6 steps for 65s. Then he does it again by walking some steps and running 14 steps for 41s. How long will he take to walk up the flight of stairs.

Duterte will bring back a lot of china investments.

China can offer Philippines a lot of commercial and economic benefits but USA cannot.  USA can only give 2 lousy planes but with a lot of US demands.

Duterte is right to form strategic alliance with China.  Well done!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Duterte knows only China is sincere in helping Philippines, not USA.

There is no point for Duterte to talk about PCA ruling because Australia also rejected PCA ruling recently.  Duterte only will embarrass himself about PCA ruling as Australia also said PCA had no jurisdiction and the ruling was not legal binding.  Therefore, Duterte might as well just focus on the business dealings with China and also form a strategic alliance with China.

This is why we cannot stop asking Japan to apologize for WW2 atrocities.

Some Japanese government officials are still claiming that comfort women were legal because they didn't force women to be comfort women.  Most claimed that those women volunteered for the jobs.  Others claimed that the comfort women were doing the job because of life tribulations.  The comfort women couldn't take hardships and couldn't tolerate starvation and they became comfort women to have better lives.

If we stop asking Japan to apologize for WW2 atrocities, we're agreeing to the Japanese claims that women couldn't take hardships and endure starvations and sought the easy way out in life by becoming comfort women.

Singapore stock calls for 18 October 2016

China has successfully launched its 2 astronauts into outerspace!

Congrats! I hope to see China astronauts on the moon soon.

Is WW3 coming?

I don't think so because aliens won't allow it.