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Friday, July 28, 2017

USA is creating false intelligence against North Korea again.

Yes, the USA is doing it again.

China is just sitting right beside NK but China is not afraid of any missile attack from NK.  The USA is so far away but is constantly afraid of NK's threats.

The USA has THAAD systems on its homefront and also in the overseas military ground.

So tell us honestly, what are you really afraid of, USA?

Singapore elected president status is sealed. Let's not waste time on it anymore.

Tan Cheng Bock is fighting the war alone and we know he will lose for sure because the EP status is already sealed.

Why fight this war when the majority of Singaporeans don't care at all?  Our poll shows that Singaporeans know who's our first elected president but we don't dare to tell our AG that.  AG's declaration is definitely against our common consensus that an elected president must win in an open election with a majority vote count.  Instead, our AG has created a new definition that an elected president can be an appointed president who has exercised an elected president's power.

Let's just revert back to the appointed president system so that we can save our time and effort to vote for a reserved elected president as such a president won't command the same respect as an openly elected president.

South China Sea won't be peaceful anymore!

The UK wants to join in the "fun" now.

The western countries are never part of Asia but they want to control Asia in the name of FON (freedom of navigation).  They cannot cite a single case of China stopping any commercial ship sailing in South China Sea but will carry on with their smearing and fearmongering campaigns against China.

I think China should change its strategy of not forming a strategic alliance like NATO because it is very difficult to fight alone.  An APTO (asia pacific treaty organization) is definitely welcome in Asia to stop the western countries from meddling with or controlling Asia.

We also need AMF (Asia monetary fund) to handle any financial crisis in Asia because IMF is too prejudiced.  Even though IMF has indicated that it will move its HQ to Beijing in the future, we must always be on our guard because IMF places more stringent requirements on Asia countries than western countries.  Just look at how the IMF treated Thailand and Indonesia during the asia financial crisis.  Now, look at how IMF treats EU especially Greece.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 27 July 2017

FED doesn't raise rate in July but may start QE tapering in September.

How will QE tapering affect the market?

QE tapering is reducing its bond purchases or rollovers (reinvestment of its bond proceeds upon maturing) on a monthly basis.

As bond price and yield are inversely related and demand affects the bond price, the yield will stay low when the bond price is high.  When there is lesser demand for the bond, the bond price will fall and the yield will go up.  This is almost the same as hiking interest rate without literally hiking rate.

Hiking rate literally will affect currency movement and short term rate but QE tapering will only affect long term rate and is more neutral for the currency and stock market.

On the whole, the interest rate will still go up albeit slowly.

Noble Group plunges heavily today after profit warning and asset sales.

We did warn about Noble Group on a few occasions.  It is not surprising that its P&L won't look good because it had sold off its golden goose.

Don't think that a company can be saved whenever a white knight appears.  Sometimes, the white knight is also ignorant about the company and the industry.  The white knight is financially strong enough to pull the plug but an ordinary retail investor can wipe out his life saving.

China has taken over a Sri Lanka port.

China has been buying up ports over the world and also set up a port alliance for its BRI (Belt Road Initiative).  This will greatly reduce Singapore strategic importance that the USA values because the USA can contain China shipments by sealing the Strait of Malacca from Singapore.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Stockbank blog has just received a top 75 Singapore investment blog award.

We've been informed by Feedspot that we've been awarded a top 75 Singapore investment blog award.

We will strive to continue to provide articles that are of interest to our readers.

Our top 3 readers come from Singapore, USA and Russia.

Yes, Russians like to read our blog and we don't know why.  We are surprised that Malaysians are not in our top 5.

Nonetheless, we are happy to receive our first award.  Thank you for your support.

What's left for Noble Group after selling income generating businesses?

This is really getting worrisome as Noble sells off its income generating businesses.  Noble will be left with negative cashflow assets that nobody wants.


Singapore stock calls for 26 July 2017

Flooding in China.

In Singapore context, this will be just ponding as defined by our minister. Heehee!

Quantum communication can be operational 24 hours soon.

Way to go, China!

China is really becoming a high technological country now with excellent achievement in quantum technology.

India fired at Pakistan again!

India is stirring troubles for its neighbour again.  The China-India border skirmish is not settled yet and India is attacking Pakistan again.

Sigh!  This India is such a bully and must be taught a lesson!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 25 July 2017

AFP news agency is still recalcitrant about correcting its false reporting.

The whole world already knew that PCA was not a true international court and it was not part of the UN or backed by UN.  However, AFP news agency still insists that PCA is UN-backed till today even when UN has declared that PCA is not related to UN.

We had some postings about PCA before.

China has given India its harshest warning!

China had recently conducted live firing exercise for 11 hours on 5000m higher Tibet plateau in preparation for a war with India.  This live firing exercise was to demonstrate that its military equipment and weapons could operate well in a high altitude environment and its military personnel could function properly without any sickness.

China has carefully selected a certain race to be stationed in a high altitude area.  This group of people possess a special DNA that can function very well in a low oxygen environment.  You will know what I'm saying when you've been to a high altitude area.

A war break out between China and India is highly probable if India doesn't withdraw its troops from China's border soon.  China is losing its impatience because President Xi must resolve this before the 19th party congress.

Wow! We can charge our HP with my clothes in the future!

No more power bank! Heehee!

Australian foreign minister showed her ignorance of China-India border skirmish.

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop reportedly said, "My understanding is that this is a long-term dispute ... Australia's position is that territorial disputes should be resolved peacefully between the claimant countries."
"It is right to say that territorial disputes should be resolved peacefully, but I must point out that such a saying is not applied to the situation in Doklam because there has been no territorial dispute at all at the site where the incident takes place," spokesperson Lu Kang said.
End Quote.
When you don't understand something, it's best to keep your mouth shut!  Maybe Australia is trying to embark on a smearing campaign too.  However, India had already acknowledged that it intruded China's border territory to stop the infrastructure development.
Australia has proven itself to be a less trustworthy country again. Why?
Australia supported PCA ruling against China but openly ignored PCA against itself.

Monday, July 24, 2017

India must do a reality check or else it will suffer tremendously.

It is without a doubt that the border skirmish is in favour of China because India encroached on China's territory.

UN security council resolution states that any country can embark on military action against any incursion.  Therefore, China has been very restrained in dealing with India by not invoking military action against this incursion.

India was badly defeated in 1962 for invading China's border when both countries' powers were not significantly apart.  However, China's economic size and military power have progressed tremendously and the 2 countries are widely apart now.  India's land size is only 1/3 of China and its economy is about 20% of China's economy.

Therefore, India will suffer a humiliating defeat which is worse than 1962 when both countries go to war and both countries will not use any nuclear weapon for this war.

Singapore stock calls for 24 July 2017