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Friday, January 6, 2017

Let's stop harping on South China Sea for the new year as world economies won't be good.

USA is good at fabricating false intelligence and also is a great storyteller.

USA interfered in South China Sea (SCS) in the name of freedom of navigation (FON).  Let's check out the facts.  USA endorsed China's claims on SCS at the end of WW2 because it sent USA naval vessels to accompany China to retake the islands.  Thus, China has been proclaiming the SCS rights for the past 70 years already.

Is there really a concern for freedom of navigation.  There is not a single case of commercial liners being stopped by China in SCS over 70 years.  Furthermore, commercial liners do not want to sail through Spratly islands because of the treacherous terrain like reefs and rocks.  Please see the commercial sea routes for SCS below.

No shippers want to sail through Spratly islands.  As such, there is no point to promote freedom of navigation for Spratly islands.  It's pretty obvious that the USA has ulterior motive by sailing through Spratly islands in the name of FON and we are supporting USA for the wrong reason.

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